Lunedì - Venerdì 9:00 - 18:00

Sabato e Domenica Chiuso

“Digital capacity building for VET Trainers project VET-Di.Ca.B. project”

Project info

KA210-VET – Small-scale partnerships in vocational education and training.
Italian Agency Erasmus Plus INAPP
Convention n. 2022-2-IT01-KA210-VET-000096197

Starting date 01 July 2023
End date 30 June 2024
Duration 12 months



  • Uciliste Ambitio ustanova za obrazovanje odraslih AMBITIO COLLEGE – ZAGREB – Croatia
  • Association “BULGARIA TRAINING” SOFIA – Bulgaria

The political priorities of the Erasmus+ programme chosen for the project:

  • HORIZONTAL: Addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity.
  • VET sector: Increasing attractiveness of VET.

Topics addressed by our project:

  • Digital skills and competences.
  • New learning and teaching methods and approaches.
  • Overcoming skills mismatch and addressing the needs of the labour market.

Objectives of VET-Di.Ca.B. project:

  • Developing cooperation between partners for an acceleration towards the use of digitised educational and training environments through new learning and teaching methods and approaches.
  • Increasing the attractiveness of training provision to be more capable of effectively meeting an increasingly demanding demand.
  • Increasing the digital skills of VET teachers, trainers, coordinators and operators
  • Developing a new cooperation network at European level based on sharing, participation, continuous dialogue and exchange of good practices in order to increase the competitiveness of the European VET system in the face of new challenges of the future.

Concrete Results of VET-Di.Ca.B. project:

  • no. 3 capacity building intenational LABS experiences characterised by a bottom-up participatory approach, peer-to-peer, learning-by-doing, team building and coaching methodologies and by multi-disciplinary and inter-sectoral confrontation, alternating in-presence activities with virtual activities through the use of ICT and digital and on-line tools.
  • No. 4 National Workshops to train other teachers and trainers, to raise stakeholders’ awareness, and to present, promote and disseminate the results.
  • Guidelines and the Video-tutorial resulting from the exchange of experiences and practices and the participatory capacity building process on the basis of the DigCompEdu (2017) for trainers.

To whom is it addressed?

Indirect target groups:

  • n.160 trainers, teachers and VET practitioners participating in the National Dissemination Workshops (n.40 per Partner).

Direct target group:

  • n. 48 trainers, teachers and VET operators of the Partners (n.12 each) participating in the n.3 international mobility Capacity Building Labs. (no. 4 per partner).
  • Administrative and financial staff of the Partners.

Basic training models and teaching techniques in a virtual environment – ERASMUS + project, Activity LAB 1 (28th – 30th November 2023 in Zagreb, Croatia).

Let’s recognize the crucial role of enhancing digital competences in educators—empowering them to shape the next generation’s tech-savvy minds.

The VETDICAB Erasmus+ project is in full swing with the Second MultiLab happening in Huelva, Spain on 30, 31, and 01 of February


At the headquarters of Irecoop Impresa sociale, the final event of the Digital Capacity Building for Vet Trainers project financed under the Erasmus+ Programme.
Many participants: social workers, training experts and many young people. During the event, the project outputs were presented with reference to digital skills as an essential element for professional and personal success. The project focused precisely on this, that is, increasing digital skills in the field of training and informal learning.

The methodologies presented are the result of work shared with our partners from Croatia, Spain, and Bulgaria. Starting from September Irecoop will introduce the shared tools as part of its training courses.

✔️In an increasingly interconnected world, digital skills have become essential for professional and personal success. Our latest project focused precisely on this: increasing digital skills in training and informal learning.

The collaboration and synergy between the countries of origin of our partners (Croatia, Spain, Bulgaria) have once again demonstrated how much we can achieve by working together towards a common goal. Thank you for sharing your skills, resources and vision, helping to build a project that will have a lasting and positive impact.

Find out more about the project’s activities and results in the video.

Final Results:

Final Results PDF – ITA

Final Results PDF – EN

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